I am apologizing now for it taking me forever to post anything on my blog. Life seemed to have got the best of me lately. Between sick babies, stomach flu for my husband and myself, and some sad news our family was hit with the blog has been last on my list. I am vowing now to post extra these next couple of weeks to make up for it:) You may notice that I have changed my past blog posts to the initials of my children. I am feeling a little to in the open with people knowing their first name and last from my blog site, so from here on out my husband will be know as "Mr." my oldest little boy as "M" my oldest daughter of the triplets will be referred as"AG" then my sweet boy of the triplets will be called "LC" and lastly my sweet daughter who is the youngest triplet will be known as "AC"
So here i am finally doing my 10 things I want my boys to know! My M and L are so different that I thought I would have to make 2 different list for them but the more I thought about it no matter if one is the type to jump off the roof like M or the type to sit sweetly in my lap and read a book it is still the same things I would like them to grow up knowing. so here it is..........
1. Be your brother's best friend. He is going to be the one who may have to bail you out of jail one day. I am sure he is the only one who will keep it a secret from me and trust me if this ever happens you don't want me to find out because no matter how old you are this will not be a good for your health.
2. Your dad is a superhero. He may not wear a cape or have tool belt filled with an arsenal of weapons to fight off bad guys but he can load for 4 kids in car seats in under 5minutes, but he can settle this crazy momma down by reminding me of the bigger picture (usually by reminding that dirt is indeed edible for children) and mostly he has enough room in his heart to love the 5 of us more than I believed was possible.
3. Take risks. As much as I would like you to think things through and weigh the risks of a situation there are moments I you want to be impulsive. Those moments do not exist where heights, drinking, tattoos, or women are concerned. I know that it is easier to stick with what you know but you find growth in your self by reaching outside your comfort zone. This risk taking has it limits, note #1 on this list; so if you are taking risk try and remember that someone may have to bail the other out of jail.
4. Be a guy's guy and a feminist at the same time. I know that doesn't make sense but i swear in my mind it does. yes, I want you to watch football with the guys and be able to BS with the guys on the golf course. In that same moment I want you to be able to have sense of women empowerment. You have 2 amazing sisters and mom who isn't half bad who are if you can believe this...women! so proudly hold your sign for equal rights, equal pay, and shorter lines in women's public bathrooms.
6. Be a gentleman. I know in high school it will be uncool to open doors for girls and to use please and thanks you's but please know that one of the first things I thought when I was having sons is that I always envisioned these boys/men who were such gentleman. One of the things that made me fall in love with your dad was the way he spoke to other woman, using please and thank you in all of his conversations, the way he pulled my chair out at dinners and how he opened the car door for me made me fall madly, deeply in love with him. trust me chicks dig the small stuff!
7. Don't whine. I am not talking about you as a small child, even though I would love if you whined less for fruit snacks, juice boxes and toys from target. I know that all children whine no matter if they are boys or girls. though one maybe whining for barbies and the other for batman (and that doesn't mean that girls want barbies and boys want batman, i am pretty sure my girls would be just as happy with batman dolls as they would be with barbie dolls). Remember when you are whining about school, work, or life in general that there is someone who has less than you and that there is others whose life would be so full with all that you have. you have a family that loves you deeply, an education that is free and apart of your everyday, and a society where you are free to have your own thoughts and beliefs. Don't take any of that for granted and be prepared for me to remind you of those less fortunate when you come "whining" to me.
8. Be kind to others. I know I have posted something similar in your sisters' "10 things i want my daughters to know." Nothing will make me more proud than to see or hear about you being kind to others. Please don't let other boys talk you into being less than the person we raised you to be. Your father and I both know how kind hearted the 2 of you are and we want others to see that too. Know that when someone asks what your best features are, make kindness the first one.
9. Remember where you came from. Remember that you came from a family that is full of love. Remember how much I love your father and you kids and how you all are the most important thing to me. When life or work is getting to you know that family is where you will find your happiness. Family is the group of people who are here for you no matter what whether you have failed at work, a relationship, or whatever else remember how blessed you are to have such wonder grandparents. amazing cousins, (really good looking aunts and uncle....haha!) and beautiful siblings who love you more than anything.
10. Most importantly, know that I adore you. You are the sun to my cloudy days LC. You are the laughter I find on a sad day M. You are my heart. I have such pride that you are my sons. I look at you with such love that there are moments that tears fill my eyes. You both know how to melt my heart with a smile and you have your mother wrapped around your little finger. I am not sure what I have done so right to deserve you boys but I am pretty sure someone in heaven got their calculations off because I am not sure I deserve to the mother to such amazing boys. I love you M and LC.