Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank You Facebook

For over a year now I have been trying to find a way to print out all of my past facebook status posts, well I finally found it!!! YAY!!! When I was on bedrest and after having the babies facebook became my outlet to the outside world. When I was pregnant there was days, weeks, months were I was sick and on the couch with my laptop in hand. So when I wasn't shopping for hairbows for the girls (we will have to get into that strange pregnant obsession at another time) I was on facebook. Facebook became my public journal I shared my joys of the day, my hormonal moments of expecting triplets, even the crazy things that came out of my toddlers mouth. There isn't many people who in their 20s go through the craziness of having a toddler and expecting triplets. Facebook allowed to live vicariously through my 20 something friends while allowing to connect with my other "mommy friends" who had young ones the same ages as my own. Facebook really became important when i went through one of the hardest times in my life, when our babies spent their first 6 1/2 weeks in the NICU. It was so easy to take pictures of the babies and add them to the computer within moments or post an update on how they were doing in the matter of minutes. Facebook also reminded on daily bases how lucky I was as I saw friends post about the hardships they were going through and sometimes you need a good ole' reality check and facebook would give it to me! This became my lifeline, as I stumbled my way through raising 4 little ones under the age of 3. It gave me the opportunity to document quickly without ever having to grab a paper and pen...heck there was moments when I couldn't remember what baby I was holding!! so here is the link to this amazing website that will allow to print off all of your past facebook statuses, ENJOY!

So i thought i would share some of my favorite past Facebook post from 2009 and 2010! i will add my favorite 2011 post after the new year!

7-1-09 Erica Inman-Homeyer is wondering if it is wrong to be drinking a margarita in the baby pool???? haha so I thought I needed a drink then!

7-12-09 Erica Inman-Homeyer M took two steps all by kind of looked like little a drunk baby when he did it! time is going to fast!! ohh what a special day

8-21-09 Erica Inman-Homeyerwhy does my son call me "dog' all day long? he knows how to say "momma." MR. walks in the room and he calls him "da-de." when i walk in the room he calls me "dog"...lovely! Back when that was the worst thing that came out of M's mouth 

10-16-09 Erica Inman-Homeyer
ok so my son put his hand down some strangers shirt today at the restaurant, i mean i know he likes girls but come on!! what am i going to do with him?!!!?! ohh m I swear he was born this way! 

11-12-09 Erica Inman-Homeyer so i had a dream last night i was preggers, which is kinda funny because i had the same dream about 1 month before i found out i was having my little man. i think i will be enjoying my glass of wine tonight. if I had know what was coming I would of done shots of tequila

1-24-10Erica Inman-Homeyer morning sickness my is all day sickness and to think i thought this time around i wasn't going to be as sick as i was with M. i am just praying this doesn't last 22weeks like it did with M. If i only knew what was coming.... 

1-26-10Erica Inman-Homeyer Yes, we are having triplets. The day we found out there was 3 little heartbeats growing inside of me my sister had put something on her Facebook page about it so my phone started going off like crazy. I wasnt ready to answer questions so this is how we choose to tell the world

6-26-10 Erica Inman-Homeyer doesnt feel great today so i think i will lay on the couch all day watching "nick jr" with mason this just describes my entire pregnancy!

7-21-10 Erica Inman-Homeyer homeyer triplets are here!! they all r doing good and breathing on their own right now. AG was 3lbs 4 oz, LC 2lbs 12oz, AC 3lbs 4oz. please keep them in ur prayers they have long road ahead of them

7-25-10 Erica Inman-HomeyerAll the babies are breathing on their own!!!! no more nasal canuals!!! also no billirubin lights for jaundice! Mommy and daddy are so proud of our little rockstar babies!!! amazing day!

8-17-10Erica Inman-Homeyer my babies are 4 weeks old today...a happy but very sad day too had a little breakdown on this day

9-4-10 Erica Inman-Homeyer LC is home!!! ALL MY BABIES ARE HERE!!!!!!! A day i will never forget

9-18-10Erica Inman-Homeyer ohh my mr. LC has decided i should hold him all day. i asked him "how am i to change 30 diapers, wash 21 dr. brown bottles, and do a load of laundry while carrying him today?"...i am still waiting for a response!...he is lucky he is to cute to resist. I think this is where me and LC's special little bond started

10-22-10Erica Inman-Homeyer todays nick's big "procedure!" no more babies for the homeyers! when u have spontaneous triplets u aren't willing to take the chance of having triplets again! A day Mr. will never forget..ha!

12-24-10 Erica Inman-Homeyer Is up with my baby girls, watching it snow, sitting here thankful and teary eyed for all the wonderful things God has blessed us with this year. words can't describe how wonderful that morning was

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